Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #147 - Reviewing DOOM & X-Men Apocalypse

It’s a two-topic episode this week, as after hitting a few quick pieces of news, covering recent shake-ups and kerfuffles related to WB’s troubled DC film slate, and recounting Jonathan’s adventures with a 16-year-old Pokemon game, we offer two in-depth reviews: One for this week’s X-Men Apocalypse – which one of us liked and one of us didn’t – and this month’s new DOOM game, which is an unambiguous treat from top to bottom. Spoilers for both are touched upon, though neither work would be significantly impacted by knowing plot details going in. And if you haven’t played DOOM yet, you seriously should – just listen to our discussion for all the details on why it is such an impressive masterwork.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #146 - Reviewing Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

After taking a week off due to Jonathan being under the weather – and to thus spare our listeners from a podcast filled with wall-to-wall coughing – we are back to discuss a few stray topics, including the Assassin’s Creed movie trailer and Sean’s initial thoughts on the fantastic new Doom game, before jumping into an in-depth review and analysis of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (with lots and lots of spoilers – if you’d like a spoiler-free take, Sean reviewed the game for the site last week). Even as big fans of Naughty Dog in general and the Uncharted series in particular, neither of us were quite prepared for just how great Uncharted 4 turned out to be, nor for the many ways in which it challenge both the medium and the genre to which it belongs. This is a great game, maybe even an all-timer, and it makes for an extremely fun discussion.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #145 – Persona 5 Trailer, Overwatch Beta, and Reviewing Captain America: Civil War

In what is probably the longest episode we’ve ever recorded, we hit on a host of interesting recent topics – such as the open beta for Overwatch, news of Han Solo’s casting in the upcoming Star Wars spin-off movie, and the newest trailer and Japanese release date for the highly anticipated Persona 5 – before diving into an in-depth review and discussion of Captain America: Civil War. We both agree this is the finest hour of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date, but just what makes this movie so wildly impressive, so moving from a thematic and emotional standpoint and awe-inspiring in its visuals and staging? This is a dense, complicated, incredibly rewarding movie, and while our discussion might be long, it’s one of the best we’ve ever had devoted to a single movie.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #144 – Whither Nintendo? Plus Call of Duty, Doctor Who News, and much more!

With big media events like Captain America: Civil War and Uncharted 4 on the immediate horizon, this week is the ‘calm before the storm,’ as we tackle a variety of topics – including Sean’s final thoughts on Dark Souls III and Jonathan’s continuing adventures in the world of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – before diving into a week’s worth of news. A new Call of Duty was announced, we met the new Doctor Who companion, and Nintendo…well, Nintendo is in a strange, sad place, and we have lots to say about that.