Monday, March 28, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #139 - Jonathan & Sean vs Batman v Superman: Dawn of Awfulness

After years of waiting and/or dreading, this weekend, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finally arrived in theatres…and it is worse than any of us could have possibly imagined. I gave a spoiler-free take on the movie in my written review, but today’s podcast is all about diving into the film in deep, spoiler-y detail, as we pick apart every awful, offensive, boring, baffling, and oftentimes downright disgusting thing about this slow-motion trainwreck of a movie – a film both Sean and I argue is the worst superhero movie ever created. Strap in, folks. This is a long one.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #138 - The Batman & Superman Cinematic Countdown Retrospective Spectacular!

In the second of our two podcasts this week, we prepare for tomorrow’s release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in one of our biggest episodes ever. First and foremost, we reflect on the entire long, storied history of Batman and Superman on film by counting down, from best to worst, every single theatrical film to star one of the two characters – all 17 of them. From low points like Batman & Robin to high points like Superman The Motion Picture, this countdown is a veritable gamut reflecting the entire history of superhero cinema, and there may be no better way to prepare for Batman v Superman…Or maybe there is, as after the countdown finishes, we play one of our favorite Weekly Stuff games, where Sean and I gather all the information we have on this movie from trailers and other marketing, and try to piece together the plot of Batman v Superman, scene by scene, to see if we can make any sense of what has been a horrendously muddled marketing campaign. How close are we to the actual story? We think we’re pretty damn close, but only time will tell, and we can’t wait to see you all back here next week to finally review a movie we’ve been covering for well over 100 episodes now.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #137 - Grab Bag! Game Stories, Civil War Trailer, Indiana Jones 5, PS4.5 Rumors, & much more!

This week, we dip into a giant grab bag of news and stories, as Jonathan recounts his adventures catching up on Uncharted 2, his first experiences with Pokken Tournament on the Wii U, his love for the Bravely Second demo on 3DS, and a decade-in-the-making mea culpa for Nintendo after an unfortunate accident with a Wiimote. Sean continues to talk about Digimon Story Cybersleuth, and after discussing some recent movies and TV shows, we both move on to dissecting the new trailer for Captain America: Civil War, the announcement of Indiana Jones 5, and the can of worms opened by the reports that Sony is developing an upgraded version of the PlayStation 4, unofficially named the PS4.5. And stay tuned for a special bonus episode on Wednesday! It's a two-podcast week!


Intro: 0:00:00 – 0:03:37
Jonathan’s Game Stories: 0:03:37 – 0:26:20
Sean’s Game Stories: 0:26:20 – 0:41:29
TV Chat (Supergirl and Daredevil): 0:41:29 – 0:52:11
Movie Chat (The Witch, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Zootopia): 0:52:11 – 1:13:12
Civil War Trailer & Superhero Chat: 1:13:12 – 1:34:22
Indiana Jones 5 Announcement: 1:34:22 – 1:44:00

PS VR & PS4.5 Reports: 1:44:00 – 2:09:05

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Weekly Stuff #136 - Pokemon 20th Anniversary Retrospective Spectacular!

With last week signaling the 20th anniversary of Pokemon Red & Blue – and the start of one of the world’s most enduring multimedia franchises – we are thrilled this week to offer a big, in-depth retrospective of the Pokemon universe. Sean and I discuss our memories of getting into the series, how the original games helped shape our respective futures, and what Pokemon meant to us as kids – and what, in some ways, it continues to mean to us now. I count down every single main generation Pokemon game from worst to best, give some brief reminiscences on the seven films I’ve seen, and finally, count down every single starter Pokemon across the entire franchise. Yeah. I went a little crazy with this one.

And if Pokemon isn’t your thing, we have plenty of other topics at the front of the show, as we discuss the recent Ghostbusters trailer and Nintendo Direct news, review Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, talk this weekend’s betas for Uncharted 4 and Hitman on the PS4, and even follow up on Sean’s Digimon chat from last week. It’s a packed, long episode, but honestly one of my favorites we’ve ever recorded. Enjoy!  


Intro: 0:00:00 – 0:02:40
News and Stuff: 0:02:40 – 0:29:20
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Review: 0:29:20 – 0:51:41
Sean talks Uncharted 4 & Hitman Betas: 0:51:41 – 1:12:52
Digimon Follow-up: 1:12:52 – 1:30:27

Pokemon Retrospective: 1:30:27 – 3:27:14