Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Weekly Stuff #128 - Reviewing "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (Spoilers)

This week, Star Wars: The Force Awakens finally arrived in theatres, and achieved world domination more or less instantly. We have been covering the movie since its announcement back in 2012, and now that it’s finally here, what did we think? I gave my spoiler-free thoughts in text form here, and suffice it to say, I’m all in. I love it. As for Sean…well, he didn’t like it as much – which certainly makes for an interesting and varied discussion, as whether one loves it or not, The Force Awakens offers plenty of things to talk about. We do just that, diving deep into all of the most interesting aspects of the movie – spoilers ahoy, obviously – and wrap up our fourth season in podcasting with some thoughts back on what kind of year 2015 has been. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Weekly Stuff #127 - Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Movie Trailers, and Star Wars Memories

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens completing its long march towards world domination this weekend, we thought now would be as good a time as any to take a walk down memory lane, and try to determine what Star Wars means to us, as a series of remembrances from childhood. We talk about our first experiences with the series, what it was like growing up alongside the Prequels, and the ways Star Wars has evolved for us over time. And before all that, we also talk a bit about games – Sean reviews Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate and I talk the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection – and go through all this week’s big movie trailers, including X-Men Apocalypse and Star Trek Beyond. It’s a calm-before-the-storm sort of episode, but a fun one nevertheless.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Weekly Stuff #126 - Doctor Who Series 9 Farewell Spectacular!

The Doctor Who Series 9 finale obviously looms large over everything else this week, but we take some time at the top of the show to discuss a few other topics as well, including the hilariously atrocious new Batman v Superman trailer, news and happenings out of the Game Awards and PlayStation Experience, and finally, a full review (with spoilers!) of Netflix and Marvel's Jessica Jones. But Doctor Who is the focus on this extra-long episode, as we break down the outstanding Series 9 finale, Hell Bent, before looking back on Series 9 as a whole - ranking the episodes, thinking about favorite moments, saying farewell to departing companion Clara Oswald, and looking forward to the show's very promising future. Enjoy!