Thursday, May 23, 2013

WGTC Radio #49 - Dissecting Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

For our final podcast of this busy week, we take a look at Microsoft's somewhat disastrous reveal of the horrendously named 'Xbox One.' Where Sony focused on games and gamers with their PS4 reveal earlier this year, Microsoft seems to be abandoning their core demo - at the expense of live TV? There is a lot of confusing information and outright misinformation to sift through, and we have it all covered for you in this special, in-depth podcast. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WGTC Radio #48 - Star Trek Into Darkness Review and Discussion

On this week's (second) episode of WGTC Radio (there is a lot to talk about right now), we discuss and review J.J. Abrams' " Star Trek Into Darkness," the latest sci-fi blockbuster of 2013. From mysterious villains to new versions of old characters, there is plenty to talk about, and we cover it all. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

WGTC Radio #47 - Doctor Who Series 7 Retrospective Spectacular!

With the seventh series of the BBC’s Doctor Who having finished this weekend, we thought it would be proper to devote an entire episode towards not only the series finale, but this very strange, extremely fragmented season as a whole. First, we give our in depth thoughts on the big finale episode, “The Name of the Doctor,” before diving into a discussion of the season overall, giving brief retrospective opinions of each episode and exploring where this series stands in the Doctor Who pantheon. Enjoy!

Monday, May 13, 2013

WGTC Radio #46 - Celebrating Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

On this week's show, we prepare for the horribly titled "Star Trek Into Darkness" by watching the first - and best - Star Trek sequel, "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan." What is it that makes this seminal masterpiece of the Star Trek universe so successful? Why is it such a high benchmark other Trek films have had difficulty living up to? We cover all this and more, along with Sean's take on "Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon," and our review of the latest Doctor Who episode, "Nightmare in Silver." Enjoy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

WGTC Radio #45 - Iron Man 3 Review & Discussion

As promised, this week's episode of WGTC Radio dives deep into the world of Marvel's "Iron Man 3," as we review, analyze, and debate the first major film of the summer. It's a good one, too, leaving us with lots and lots to talk about before we transition into our weekly "Doctor Who" segment and review the latest episode, "The Crimson Horror." Enjoy!