Sunday, September 23, 2012

WGTC Radio #15 - Doctor Who "The Power of Three" Review

On the latest episode of WGTC Radio, Sean and Jonathan discuss the fourth episode of Doctor Who Series 7, "The Power of Three," in great detail. In particular, we spend much time ranting about the final, awful line of the episode. The latest "Hobbit" trailer is also discussed. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

WGTC Radio #14 - Half-Life "Black Mesa" Review

On the fourteenth episode of WGTC Radio, hosts Jonathan Lack and Sean Chapman cover a few mini-topics before jumping into a major, in-depth discussion of the highly impressive Half-Life "Black Mesa" mod, a remake of the original Half-Life game from the ground-up! At the end of the episode, we also review the latest Doctor Who, "A Town Called Mercy," in-depth. Enjoy!

Time Chart:

0:00 – 0:20 - Introductions 
0:20 – 1:07 - Black Mesa Review 
1:07 – End - Doctor Who Review 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

WGTC Radio #13 - Terminator, Doctor Who, and Other Random Topics

This week's episode of WGTC Radio is a scattered one, with hosts Jonathan R. Lack and Sean Chapman covering a variety of topics, from an overview of the new "Terminator Anthology" Blu-Ray set to a discussion of this week's "Doctor Who," "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship." It's a fun and free-spirited episode, but we promise to have a real topic next week!

Monday, September 3, 2012

WGTC Radio #12 - "Doctor Who" Series 7 Premiere Review

On the latest episode of WGTC Radio, hosts Jonathan Lack and Sean Chapman take an in-depth look at "Asylum of the Daleks," the first episode of Doctor Who's brand new seventh series. We cover character and plot details, make predictions, and give our overall thoughts on a pretty outstanding premiere. "Hobbit" news and updates on Denver's "Studio Ghibli" festival round out the episode.